Laser Hair Reduction

The TGA approved Diode laser is a long term hair reduction technique where hair follicles are vaporised. You can expect up to a 40% reduction in hair after the first treatment (seen after 10 days). A further 10% reduction in hair can be seen after each further treatment, up to a total of 80-90% hair reduction as well as slower growth, textural changes and lighter in colour.  

Laser hair reduction results vary from person to person, due to the colour and thickness of your hair, area treated, and colour of your skin.

**Please note, prices below are the minimum charge. During your initial consultation your therapist will quote based on your tailored needs.

Laser hair reduction vaporises hair follicles for long tern hair reduction.

An initial consultation and laser patch test is essential before any treatment.

Initial consultation and laser patch test is $35 and is fully redeemable with treatment packages purchased on the day.

Before your appointment, please ensure you shave the area to be treated (if this is not done prior to your appointment, you will be charged for us to shave the treatment area) and ensure you have not waxed the area within 4 weeks.

To maintain a hair free area, maintenance treatments may be required.

 To save you money, multi session packages are available. Paid in advance. To be used within 12-months.


Single treatment
  • Eyebrow centre –  $35
    Lip –  $35
    Chin –  $35
    Lip & chin –  $55
    Side of face –  $45
    Half face –  $80
  • Full face – $140
    Underarm –  $45
    Bikini –  $65
    G-string –  $85
    Brazilian –  $110
    1/2 arm –  $99
    Full arm –  $140
    1/2 leg –  $150
    3/4 leg –  $190
    Full leg –  $230
    1/2 leg & bikini –  $215
    1/2 leg, underarm, brazillian –  $260
    Full leg & bikini –  $260
    Full leg & g-string –  $300
    Full leg, underarm & brazillian –  $315
  • Please note, shaving the treatment area prior to laser will incur a fee.



8 treatment package
  • Eyebrow centre –  $252
    Lip –  $252
    Chin –  $252
    Lip & chin –  $396
    Side of face –  $324
    Half face –  $576
  • Full face – $1008
    Underarm –  $324
    Bikini –  $468
    G-string –  $612
    Brazilian –  $792
    1/2 arm –  $713
    Full arm –  $1008
    1/2 leg –  $1080
    3/4 leg –  $1368
    Full leg –  $1656
    1/2 leg & bikini –  $1548
    1/2 leg, underarm, brazillian –  $1872
    Full leg & bikini –  $1872
    Full leg & g-string –  $2160
    Full leg, underarm & brazillian –  $2268
  • Please note, shaving the treatment area prior to laser will incur a fee.



Single treatment
  • Full neck from –  $150
    Ears –  $90
    Edge of beard –  $80
    Beard –  $105
    Stomach –  $120
    Chest –  $130
    Chest & stomach –  $190
    Full back & shoulders – from $190
    Full upper torso including neck
    & shoulders from –  $400
    1/2 arm from  –  $120
    Full arm from –  $190
    Full leg from –  $320
  • Back shave before laser –  $50


Please note, shaving the treatment area prior to laser will incur a fee.



8 treatment package
  • Full neck from –  $1080
    Ears –  $648
    Edge of beard –  $576
    Beard –  $756
    Stomach –  $864
    Chest –  $936
    Chest & stomach –  $1368
    Full back & shoulders from –  $1368
    Full upper torso including neck
    & shoulders from –  $2880
    1/2 arm from –  $864
    Full arm from –  $1368
    Full leg from –  $2304
  • Back shave before laser –  $360


Please note, shaving the treatment area prior to laser will incur a fee.


Laser Hair Reduction After Care

Because treated follicles have been heated, the area may become red and possibly swell slightly for up to a day or so. Swelling results from heat, not infection, and is therefore normal and expected, although rarely seen.

Crusts can occasionally form in some spots. Again, this does not mean infection and does not mean the area will scar. Do not pick at the crusting. Again, rarely seen.

You may notice dead, treated hair surfacing for 2-3 weeks after treatment. Although this may appear to be new growth, it is not. This process is called purging or shedding and will take time to complete. You should wipe away these hairs with a damp cloth or exfoliate with a loofah or “Buf-Puf’ once the sensitivity of treated area resolves. Start this exfoliating process 1 week after treatment, but no earlier.

For optimal results multiple treatments are necessary. It is recommended that the first four treatments are no longer than four weeks apart. After that, follow your Therapist’s advice.

Care of the treated area

Apply a cool compress to relieve swelling or warm sensations for 1-2 hours after treatment if needed.

If you experience intense itching for a few days after treatment, applications of ice, Aloe Vera or what your technician advises will help.

Apply a soothing / healing product as recommended by your technician night and morning for 3-4 days after treatment.

Pat dry after showering, but do not pick or rub the treated areas.

Lower shower temperature for 24 hours after treatment, as it can sometimes feel like a sunburn under hot water.

Precautions of Laser Hair Reduction

Do not scratch, pick or rub the area. Scratching or picking will have the same result as picking any scab or pimple, and the area could scar.

Do not go in a spa/pool/sauna or anywhere that involves chlorine/chemicals or excessive heat for 48 hours after treatment.

Avoid the gym or excessive exercise for 48 hours after treatment. Avoid friction and anything that raises body temperature for 48 hours

Wear clothing or sun block (SPF 30/50+) to protect the treated area from direct sun exposure. Be sure to reapply sun block throughout the day. It is imperative to the success of future treatments and skin health to protect the skin from sun exposure while undergoing Laser/IPL hair removal treatments.

No sun exposure on the treated area for at least 6/8 weeks before or after a treatment.

Please call to talk to your Therapist if you have any problems or are at all concerned. Your Therapist will contact you a couple of days after your treatment to check in on you.